Our mission, our job - education, does not constitute mere teaching, realization of relevant and applicable curriculum, content and distribution of knowledge, examinations, but striving to help our students, in all respects, to be more successful, better, to build new or advance existing careers.
LINK group is a leading multinational company with more than 20 years of success in professional education and certification in the fields of information technology and contemporary business. It is successful locally in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and United States of America and through distance learning it brings together students from over 120 countries worldwide.
Education has entered a global crisis because it still uses old methods, principles and modes of teaching from the industrial age. Technologies are insufficiently implemented, the importance of diplomas is emphasized above relevant knowledge, while the basic role of education has been completely forgotten. Title is valued over knowledge, and that is a model that no longer functions in the digital age.
We strive to change that. Education of the future is supported by technology.
Unique learning method
We have developed a unique learning method – “Architecture of Knowing”, which helps in acquiring and perfecting knowledge from chosen areas, several times faster and more efficiently than it usually takes. Using all available technologies, individual learning methods, in accordance with preferences, previous experience, learning style and available time, the learning process is different for everyone, intensive and high-quality, enabling every individual to, upon completion of education, present knowledge and skills in the business world in the most adequate way and realize a successful career.
Innovative educational practices
The reason why we are recognized as a regional leader in education is our commitment to implementing and developing innovative educational practices in our approach.
We are uncompromisingly dedicated to the modernization of the educational system driven by the integration of state-of-the-art educational technologies and contemporary approaches. We thereby ensure that the outcomes of education are adequate for the market’s needs, as well as for the objectives of the society in general. All our institutions were designed so that the educational process is rendered several times more efficient; different; supported by the latest technology and fully adjusted to the facilitation of knowledge adoption for the new generations. Such educational practice yields strikingly improved results and concrete solutions for the students’ educational and professional needs.
The key to innovation lies not only in the unique approach to preparing the students for the most sought after jobs of today, but also in preparing them and providing them with skills for the jobs of tomorrow. This is why we offer an education that is flexible, constantly developing; whose participants are able to respond to all the challenges of the future in a creative way and achieve notable success in their chosen field.

Modern education
Within our education system in Serbia, there are eight educational institutions:
Information Technology School - ITS,
Faculty of Contemporary Arts,
International School,
Information Technology High School ITHS,
ITAcademy Junior and
OKschool, with headquarters in Belgrade and a branch in Novi Sad. In Romania,
LINK Academy and
BusinessAcademy have been operating since 2010, with two schools in Bucharest and Timișoara.
LINK group is a succesful company with two educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those are: ITAcademy and BusinessAcademy whose seat is in Sarajevo and Banja Luka.
LINK Academy educational institution is very succesful in Ukraine, or Kiev and Lviv to be more specific. In Republic of Moldova,
LINK Academy is based in Chisinau.
Revolution in learning - elearning
As the absolute leader in distance education and educational applications in Southeastern and Eastern Europe and a pioneer in developing educational software solutions for online education, through the elearning system we have helped students all over the world to realize their goals and reach the life they want. Education no longer knows territorial boundaries. Learning becomes available to everyone, at any place, from any location on the planet.
Educational system integrator - Learning without limits
Technology is a significant driver behind change, and plays a vital role in innovations in educational design and delivery. LINK group’s Educational system integrator is a cutting-edge technology that facilitates teaching and learning, able to meet all the needs in the education process. By developing attractive, inspiring solutions for effective use of technology in education, LINK group has focused on providing assistance to teachers in their work and to students in their learning.
Educational system integrator has created a wide range of innovative software and services, carefully engineered to meet the needs of any educational institution. All solutions have been designed to answer the key questions, priorities and challenges faced by the entire education system.
Educational system integrator is there to help all educational institutions – those with a clear vision of the product they want, as well as the ones that seek advice on how to realize their plans and achieve the best possible results in education.
Lifelong learning
The key habit in life of every professionally accomplished expert is continuous tendency toward personal development and constant, lifelong learning. In our Center for Career Development, in order for the idea of lifelong learning to be realized, we provide assistance to students during and after their schooling regarding starting and advancing their career, as well as constant support in professional development.
Educational software development
Within LINK group there is also a department for software development, planning and maintenance - SoftLINK which, besides providing support to LINK group’s business in general, provides services to clients, and provides them with comprehensive software solutions for doing business on the Internet and information systems for different operations.
The best with the best
The quality of our company and all its organizational units is confirmed, among other things, by partnerships and certifications of world’s leading companies and educational institutions - Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, VUE, Prometric, Cambridge International Examinations – as well as accreditation from Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

Education as foundation for success
Education as the key to progress gives us the ability to properly perceive the world, make the right decisions and recognize and use the opportunities we get in the best possible way, as well as to adequately use the adopted knowledge and skills. We help you to set the foundations of a successful career and act as support to your profitable career.
We deeply believe that quality education is the way to a better life of our contemporaries and the coming generations. We try to always make all our services the best possible source for education of our users of all generations.
Through quality education, profitable skills and internationally recognized certificates, we lead you toward a better, more successful future.