A hundred percentage Digital Education Zone: Improving student motivation  

The Information Technology High School – ITHS, a member of the LINKgroup, participates in the project  A hundred percentage Digital Education Zone. The project will enable teachers to teach in secondary vocational schools across Europe, and join forces to solve the problem of low student motivation (which we have often encountered). The project aims to improve the skills and competencies of high school students who participate in it. Students will use social media tools in areas such as math, science and foreign languages, and thus incorporate social media in education. The goal is to enrich lessons and make them more engaging by permanently integrating social media tools into the teaching process. 
Project coordinator: Konak Cinarli Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
Project partners:
  • Istituto Professionale Di Stato Per i Servizi Di Enogastronomia E Ospitalita Alberghiera Potenza (Italy)
  • Cotymur, Sociedad Cooperativa (Spain)
  • Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych i Ekonomicznych (Poland).




Project goals:
  • increasing digital literacy among students and teachers
  • academic progress in science, math and foreign languages. 
Expected project results:
  • A Guide to Social Media, prepared by teachers
  • E-list of benefits of social media prepared by students and teachers
  • A Social Media Safety Guide for students and their families, and a report.